Friday, May 30, 2014

Saturday Morning ....

Good morning friends .... Saturday was the day that I really like, no one is going to work and to school, early Saturday morning is safe without in a hurry where I have to Preparing breakfast for my husband and my daughter.
Currently they are still asleep.
And I relax on the the sofa with a cup of coffee and sweet pastry cream.
ohhh ... if I could always relax like this ..... without a husband without the kids ... LOL ...
That's because I'm very rarely on line on the internet.
Sometimes Saturday morning and Sunday morning I woke up too late with them.
Then my day will be full with activity.

Well ... sometimes in addition to all of my busy life, I took time to work on my creativity.
Here are a few that I have done.
I am quite satisfied with the result .... :-) ....

Pincushion by Ayumi design

Mug Rug

House ornament by Kajsa Design

Fabric basket

Fabric basket

Shabby pillow

Monday, May 19, 2014

Cute Banners

Lately I do not do a lot more activity than my usual activities, cleaning the house, children and husband. 
Just a bit of planting and gardening activities. 
Speaking of planting, I'm trying to put some plants on the balcony. 
And it's not finished, I thought to put tables and park benches. 
So that we could relax there. 

ok enough talking about plants, I have made ​​a banner from the rest of the fabric. 
Very simple and I have made ​​several to be placed in my daughter's bedroom.

Cheese Cake