Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Black Forest Cake ( 10 years to my daughter )

Duh akhirnya nemu nih resep Black Forest yang mantep buat lidah ku ... apalagi anak2 suka bgt ... coklatnya itu lhooo ... coklat bangettt ....olesannya gak pake whipped cream,pake olesan cream coklat,jadi gak enek karna kebanyakan whipped .... siramannya pake sirup si cherry yang di kaleng,karna sangat kental aku tambahin sedikit air,siram diatas kue biar tambah lembut ....pokoknya uenaakkk deh ... keponakan suamiku sampai dia bawa ke kantornya supya dicicipin sama temen2nya .... yang mo coba resepnya ada di bawa yachhh ....

yumm yumm ... I finally found favor balck forest recipes.
We all loved it .... especially my daughters ... they are monsters cake.
I made this cake on the birthday of my oldest daughter.
He's 10 years old now .... time flies .... I see it day by day he grows up .... with all his behavior ... he's shy nature ... sometimes too stubborn .... I love he ... he is the reason of my life ...

The Recipe if you want to try ...

balck forest

black forest

black forest

Friday, July 17, 2015

Nine years for my daughter.
Time is fleeting ... she became a sweet little girl, she looks a little thin, but looks taller than her age.
Yachh .. maybe soon, she will equal the height of me.
Anyway ... we just celebrated her birthday, with all the family, especially her cousins.
And do not miss grandma and grandpa.
Yachhh ... just a simple party, but beautiful.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Amanda's Birthday Party ...

Amanda my little one, just 3 years old. 
We celebrated last night at home. 
Not a big party, just our family and the family of my sister in law. 
Looks like a small party, but to set it up, like i was preparing a big party !! .... I took three days !! ... LOL ... 
We all, me, my family, my in-law family, like food, sweets, pastries and cakes. 
We eat a lot ... a lot ... and sometimes quite a lot !! LOL .... 
ohhh my God ..... how can I go on a diet ....

Opening a gift

My lil monster ...

My Sis in Law with her son,and my two monsters :-)

with Grand Mom ...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

7th Birthday

Kemarin kita baru aja merayakan ultah Sasha yang ke-7,gak terasa ya waktu cepat berlalu,dia dah gede aja,kayanya baru kemarin saya menggendongnya :-) ..... 
Sebelumnya kita berencana untuk merayakannya dengan temen-temen sekelasnya,cuma saya belum punya banyak waktu,berhubung amanda masih terlalu kecil dan butuh banyak perhatian.
Akhirnya kita memutuskan merayakan sekeluarga saja,ultahnya di rayakan di rumah neneknya,di karenakan ruang tamu rumah kita terlalu sempit,rumah neneknya kebetulan punya ruangan yg lebih luas.

Yesterday we celebrated Sasha's birthday,she's seven years old now,time passed she grew quickly,it seems only yesterday l was holding her.
Previously we plan to celebrate with her classmates,but l still have not had much time,Amanda too little and need a lot of attention.
Finally we decided to celebrate with family,becouse our living room it's too narrow,we decided to celebrate at her grandmother's house,which happends to have a wider space.

                                                               The Cake

                                                      Donut with cream caramel

                                                              Candies souvenir

                                         l don't believe that l've made all the menu :-)


                                                          with her cousins and lil sister


                                                      Humburger with panino

                                            Chocolate cup cake with cream cheese frosting
