Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Change the color of picture frame.

I am among those who quickly get bored, in all things .... Included in decorating the room in the house. I often change their position in the home furnishings. My husband once joked to me .... "if I an item, will you change too?? ..... LOL .... At the moment I really like the decor Shabby or Country. Sometimes  I see decor that I like, I think I want to make it happen immediately. Well .... it all takes time, I have many plans, such as painting the house, change their color of some furniture, and of course stick with my sewing work.
 Like a week ago, I tried to change their color a picture frame. Previously look so classic, and the sad color. I replace with pastel colors, and put the pictures that I took from the internet. The result ...... enough to make the atmosphere of the room so much brighter :-)