Showing posts with label Crochet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crochet. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2013

Crochet granny square

Sebenarnya ini crochet pertama saya lho ...
Saya dapat sisa wool dari sisa rajutan ibu mertua,sekedar mencoba,cuma saya males ngelanjutin,mungkin karna warnanya yang saya gak gitu suka,akhirnya cuma tersimpan begitu saja dalam box ..... kemarin lalu gak sengaja buka box mau ambil sesuatu,ehhh liat crochet yg blom kelar,pikir2 kenapa gak lanjutin ya ... toh tinggal sedikit sisa woolnya.

This in actually my firts crochet,getting the rest of wool knittied my mother in-law,L just so lazy to continue .... mayabe becouse l don't like the colors.
l just ended up in a box.
Yesterday l accidentally opened the box to take someting,l see the unfinished crochet,l thought ... why do not l finish ?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Crochet with many colors

Butuh sekitar hampir dua tahun saya menyelesaikannya,kelamaan ya .. hehehhehe
Kadang beberapa bulan saya berhenti merajut,begitu sudah tidak terlalu sibuk,saya lanjut kembali,sambil mengerjakan hal lainnya,kayanya gak gitu niat deh ngerjaiinnya hehehehehehe ...
Yach untung aja sekarang sudah kelar ... tinggal mikir mau bikin apa lagi nih :-)

Almost two years l finished this crochet,so long :-) ...
Sometime a few months I stopped knitting,and so was not too busy on the dial again.
Such is not the intention to do so ... :-)